Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Christmas Shoe Boxes

Joy Wells of the International Center is organizing a charity function that allows interested students and staff to submit a shoe box (or shoe boxes) filled with gifts that will be mailed to a child in an overseas country.  Below are instructions on how to get involved.  Note that the Operation Christmas Child is part of Samaritan's Purse, a non-denominational evangelical Christian humanitarian organization.

Step One
Pick up your shoe box at the Center for International Students and Programs located in Technology Building B Room 203.  You might want to call first (951) 222-8160 and reserve one or two (or 10!)   

Step Two
Determine whether your gift will be for a boy or a girl, and the child’s age category: 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. We will give you the appropriate boy/girl label. Mark the correct age category on the label, and stick the label to the top of your box.

Step Three
Fill the box with a variety of gifts that will bring delight to a child. Use the gift ideas provided on the bottom of this page.

Step Four
Please donate $7 or more for each shoe box you prepare to help cover shipping and other project costs. You can give online by using our “Follow Your Box Donation” option, or you can write a check to Samaritan’s Purse (note “OCC” on memo line) and place it in an envelope on top of the gift items inside your box. If you or your family are preparing more than one shoe box, please make one combined donation.

Step Five
Place a rubber band around each closed shoe box and drop it off at the Center for International Students and Programs during our collection week, November 13 - 16, 2012.  November 16th will be the last day we will be able to drop the boxes off at the pick-up facility.


Gift Ideas:
Small cars, dolls, stuffed animal, kazoos, harmonica, yo-yo’s jump ropes, small Etch A Sketch, Slinky, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries) or anything else you might think of that would delight a child!

School Supplies:
Pens, pencils and sharpener, crayons or markers, stamps and ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc.

Hygiene Items:
Toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (In a plastic bag) comb, washcloth, etc.

Other Items:
Hard candy and lollipops (please double bag all candy.) Mints, gum, T-Shirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries).

A Personal Note:
In a separate envelope, you may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself or your family. (If you include your name and address, the child may write back.)

Used or damaged items, war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; out of date candy; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow-globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.

Riverside City College Homecoming

Attention! Attention!

RCC international student Dimitris Kokkos (aka DJ Spin) will be DJing this year's homecoming festivities.  The tailgate celebration starts at 11am on Saturday, November 3.  Kickoff for the football game will take place at 1pm.

RCC International Cookbook

RCCD International Students...we want your help!  We are putting together an international cookbook that we will share with the campus community!  If you have a recipe from a meal from your country that you would like to share, please stop by the office and pick up a recipe submission form.  

Participation is not required, but we hope many of you will decide to share some of your favorite recipes!   Once we have finished this project, we will make the final ‘cookbook’ available to all of you.  If possible, try to have the recipes to us by November 16, 2012.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thoroughly Modern Millie

Taking place in New York City in 1922, Thoroughly Modern Millie tells the story of young Millie Dillmount, who has just moved to the city in search of a new life for herself. It’s a New York full of intrigue and jazz—a time when women were entering the workforce and the rules of love and social behavior were changing forever. Based on the popular movie, the stage version of Thoroughly Modern Millie includes a full score of new songs and bright dance numbers. Filled with frisky flappers, dashing leading men and a dragon-lady of a villainess audiences will love to hate, THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE is a perfectly constructed evening of madcap merriment. And with the role of Millie Dillmount, musical theatre has found a new heroine for the ages in Thoroughly Modern Millie!